Apr 5, 2010


Waseong (stock code 5142-MainBoard)

Chart wise : Ready to attempt higher ………


above chart: click to enlarge

Waseong had on  2/4/2010 crossed over immediate high of RM2.69 (25/3/2010) to a day high of RM2.71 before settled at RM2.69. 

Next Potential Upside Target : An upside violation of RM2.69 again would see Waseong  to trade upward with next upside target at RM2.80 – RM2.85. 

Entry Level  : Risk taking traders may establish buying position at RM2.66.

Stop Loss Level : Once a buying position is being established, a stop loss level at  RM2.58 level  must be placed for risk capital protection purpose followed by trailing stop loss strategy.

source: Mercury Securities

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