Heng Huat Resources Group Bhd Stock Code 0175 (HHGROUP)
Heng Huat Resources may trend higher after closing above the MYR0.545 level in its latest session. Traders may buy as a bullish bias could be present above this level, with a target price of MYR0.615, followed by MYR0.655. The stock may pull back to take a breather if it cannot sustain above the MYR0.545 mark. In this case, further support is anticipated at MYR0.51, where traders can exit upon a breach.
by RHB
The Group are principally involved in the manufacturer trading of biomass material and value-added products focusing on oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) fibre coconut fibre and value-added products and also manufacturer and distributor of their own brands of mattress and bedding accessories.