Mar 25, 2010

Magna Prima - stock code 7617

Magna Prima (RM0.965; Not Rated; MAGNA MK)
Next leg up
•  Niche property developer with RM1b worth of launches in Klang Valley over next two years
•  Strong earnings growth, but cash flow management and cost control will be crucial
•  RM1.30 TP based on small-cap 40% discount to RNAV of RM2.17 (RM1.52 excl. Lai Meng high-end condos)

source: HwangDBS Vicker Research

Chart wise : Volume expanded ……………
magna-prima-latest above: magna chart (click to enlarge)

Magna (7617) had on 24/3/2010 traded higher with a day high of RM1.04 before settled at RM1.02. 

Next Potential Upside Target : An upside violation of RM1.05 would likely see Magna to trade upward with next upside target at RM1.20. 

Entry Level  : Risk taking traders may establish buying position at RM0.99.

Stop Loss Level : Once a buying position is being established, a stop loss level at  RM0.93 level  must be placed for risk capital protection purpose followed by trailing stop loss strategy.

source: Mercury Securities Research

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